
December 24, 2010 at 12:30 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

So I’ve been watching my Secret Santa show. Which I’m technically supposed to have done for today. But I’m going to tell you straight up right now. That’s not going to happen. That aside, I’ve having a great time with it and will write something about where I’m at tomorrow maybe. But for now, I’ll leave you with a song that’s been stuck in my head for a while. It’s called Happiness by Monkey Majik.

It’s pretty different from other Monkey Majik songs, which lean more on the melodic use of a guitar rather than as background percussion. It’s also a completely English song, which, although being a Japanese band, has lyrics that make a little more sense since the singers in the group are of Canadian origin. I find it has a really nice beat and the flute gives it a different touch of tranquility from the other percussive instruments. But I think what I really like about it is that while it talks about happiness, it still has a lot of minor chords in its verses and only brings out the happy major ones in the chorus, and even then only in parts of the chorus. To me, it makes these happy chords, in contrast, even happier. 🙂

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Random Quote: You know, I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ’em later. – Mitch Hedberg

I’m not dead…

December 21, 2010 at 6:46 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

… Yet.

I’m not going to try to make excuses, but I’ll try to make up for my long absence. I’ve been quite busy with university, and I had also debated putting this blog on hiatus (which is what ended up happening), but I’m back. For a little while, at least.

I wanted to do another in-depth post about the last bit of the Friday of Comic-Con and all of Saturday, but then I realized it was just me gloating about how awesome it was and it wasn’t too fun to read or write. So I scrapped that and decided to talk about what I didn’t really like about Comic-Con, which was five times shorter and more interesting in my opinion. (And also to accentuate the negative)

And so, my first Comic-Con was great, but there were plenty of issues…


August 22, 2010 at 9:45 pm | Posted in Anime, Everything Else, Pictures | Leave a comment
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… does not even begin to cover it.

And I haven’t completely disappeared… although I did come close.

The first thing you see when you reach the convention center. Is that an awesome start to your day or what?

My trip to California and Las Vegas was awesome. Insanely awesome. And also quite insane.

Let me try and explain.

As I mentioned before, I was going to Comic-Con for the first time with my sister and brother-in-law. I arrived in the Bay area a week before the convention which included the Distant Worlds concert and mainly ‘prepping’ for Comic-Con (aka catching up on shows. I obviously was (*ahem* AM) not only behind on the anime I follow, but other stuff too). We were too late for to get the 4-day pass and had to settle for Friday and Saturday passes. We thought those two would be the best days anyway, which in many ways was still true, but Thursday was apparently pretty epic… But anyway, we left Thursday night for San Diego and we had already gone through the Comic-Con schedule to see which panels we were planning to go to.


And boy were there a plethora of them to choose from. Eventually, we narrowed it down to our top 3 for the busy time slots, with 2 backups in case we couldn’t get into various events. As I said, this was our first Comic-Con and we had no idea what to expect. We knew there would be tons of people but even if we did know the numbers at that time (which I don’t think we did, but it’s about 125,000), there’s a big difference between imagining a number of people and walking through it.

And needless to say, we were overwhelmed.


August 1, 2010 at 12:53 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Comic-Con was insane. Insanely awesome, but still insane.
But right now, I only have a week (and not even a full one) to complete FFXIII.
Why? Because I’m stupid and lazy. (If that wasn’t already obvious.)

So, the point is, FFXIII now, post later.

Mixed feelings…

July 22, 2010 at 1:05 am | Posted in Everything Else | Leave a comment
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So I’m going to Comic-Con (and I can’t even begin to explain how cool that is) but I just can’t stop my pessimism. No, it’s not so much that too many awesome things are going on at once I can’t get to them all (though that is still something of an issue) but rather since I’m only going for Friday and Saturday, there will be some things I will miss. If I had to pick two days to go to, it would still be these two days since they have the most action and awesomeness, but Thursday, late Saturday, and Sunday have some great stuff too.

In particular…

Distant worlds together…

July 18, 2010 at 1:34 am | Posted in Games, Music, Videos | Leave a comment
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… Miracles from realms beyond…

I had never heard this song before last Thursday and it is quite good. Of course, it is Final Fantasy music. 🙂

And where was I when I first heard this great song? Why, at the Distant Worlds concert in San Francisco!

Oh yes.

This was an amazing concert and a much better ‘real’ start to my trip in California after my flight got delayed a day. And guess who was at the concert?

Find out!

Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan

July 11, 2010 at 11:09 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

I finished the show.
And well… it was very… I can’t even think of the word for it. But it’s something negative, I’ll give you that much.

Before I begin my rant though, I just want to say this show was GORGEOUS. (Even if these screenshots aren’t the greatest in quality.)The scenery porn helped me get through this show. As well as the guys. But I’ll admit I was more a fan of the backgrounds than the guys in blood. Or white hair. (It doesn’t work for everyone… especially when you can compare the white versus their normal hair colour.)

See this one actually isn’t too bad, but still not as good as his brown hair.

And if you didn’t already notice, spoilers ahoy!

Summer means…

July 4, 2010 at 4:39 pm | Posted in Everything Else, Videos | Leave a comment
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… more free time? Yes and no.

Life has been getting in the way of my blogging recently but since it’s also the end of the season, there are a number of shows wrapping up so I have plenty of stuff coming… that just hasn’t happened yet.

But I want to wish everyone a Happy Canada Day from a couple days ago and a Happy 4th of July today!

And in celebration, here is a clip of the fireworks I saw on Canada Day!
(You can hear my friends are pretty excited 🙂 )

So yeah… I will have more stuff soon plus I’m going to California next week so there will be some posts about that, particularly about Comic-Con! I’m so excited!

Random Quote: In this world, Hell is where the cooks are British, the policemen are German, the engineers are French, your lover is Swiss, and the bankers are Italians.
Hetalia Axis Powers (Oh Hetalia…)

When at first you don’t succeed…

June 19, 2010 at 8:27 pm | Posted in Everything Else, Pictures | Leave a comment
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Contemplate real hard why you bothered trying in the first place.

So I had started a post for Fullmetal Alchemist but I thought it would be better to post it once the anime is over to do it all together.

Plus, I’m done high school.

Okay. Back to what this post may or may not have been originally about.

Girl talk is about to ensue.

So a few weeks ago, my sister was telling me how she started experimenting with some simple nail art and she asked me to give her some more ideas that weren’t too complicated. During this search (which inevitably led to a youtube binge) I came across a design called marble nails.

It didn’t look to complicated and more importantly, it didn’t require any artistic skill.

It seemed simple enough, right?


June 13, 2010 at 6:05 pm | Posted in Anime, Manga | Leave a comment

I did it.
(And I need more original post titles…)

I’m just about caught up in the anime (I’m at ep 58) and I finished the manga, which as luck would have it, finished this week. That is definitely the fastest I’ve gone through a series.

And I am speechless.

I would write more right now but… I actually should have been studying for my exams this week (whoops) so I have to do some of that now. But I just want to say that was great. And incredibly happy ending, but great. (But not enough RizaxRoy! Come on!) I was also a little worried when they were halfway through the battle at the second-last chapter but then I realized the last chapter was over 100 pages long so I was relieved. I was afraid it was going to be a rushed ending, but I was pleasantly surprised.

But seriously, I’m going to miss these guys.
Hiromu Arakawa, that was one great series.

“A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain something without sacrificing womething else in return. But once you have overcome it and made it your own… you will gain an irreplaceable fullmetal heart.” – Fullmetal Alchemist

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