Random thoughts

April 13, 2009 at 3:09 pm | Posted in Anime, Manga | 2 Comments
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… though aren’t my thoughts always random? lol.

Anyway, so with Crunchyroll‘s efforts for more (semi-free) subbed anime and simulcasts, they’ve put up some translated title logos, and one I’m particularly annoyed with is the one for Shugo Chara. I realize that My Guardian Characters is a suitable translation but it’s such a mouthful. And Shugo Chara sounds sooo much better. I don’t understand what sort of categorizing they go through when translating some things over others and whatnot because some of the other logos aren’t even romanized, let alone translated. I’d just like to know what qualifies something to be translated when the original version rolls off the tongue much better. Just saying.

Anyway, I do have some shows that I have finished but I’ll talk about those later because I’m just not in the mood right now. I don’t know lol. But anyway, I’ve listed a few things I’d like to see in Skip Beat that I’d find interesting and/or fabulous.


Oh yes… a new show

January 26, 2009 at 1:54 pm | Posted in Anime, Everything Else | Leave a comment
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Well, I saw this coming, but what I didn’t expect was this post getting long enough that I would decide to post it during the week. Well, you surprise even yourself sometimes… 🙂

I just watched the first episode of the new show Lie To Me and I just have to say I thought it was fabulous. This is definitely getting added to my list of shows. I love the glares and stares of the main guy, Cal Lightman and for some reason, he reminds me of House from House (that sounded redundant lol), even though I’ve only seen a few episodes of that (yes, I know… it’s a shame). I think it’s their harsh and hidden (or not so hidden?) pessimistic view on life that I like, maybe because it’s kinda of like my view? lol perhaps, perhaps.
I really liked the style of the show and how they emphasized the little gestures or microexpressions to get us into the mind of Lightman and see what he sees without explicitly saying that. What I’m a little worried about though is how far this show can go, because part of the reason I liked this episode so much was that I learned some of the microexpressions that people use to show or hide certain expressions and show how they lie, but I’m under the impression that there can only be so many different ways the body tells us that a person is lying. At that point, I feel like it might get repetitive, but then again, the idea of CSI sounds repetitive and yet I love that show and there are at least three shows like that (I don’t like CSI: New York. And you may say it’s just the same as either of the other two, but it’s not just the characters I don’t like, but it’s just too grey. Las Vegas is dark, Miami is sunset-coloured, and New York is grey. From a random recent episode I saw of it, it looks like it got better, but it’s still there. I guess I’m biased now against it so there’s an even less chance of me getting to like it, but well, yeah).


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