The night is darkest just before the dawn

August 10, 2008 at 10:03 pm | Posted in Everything Else, Recommendations and Reviews | Leave a comment
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Heh, so I managed to find a way to link two things I’d done recently into the post title. Hehe what a coincidence. Or just me drawing parallels… Lost? That’s okay. It’s actually a quote by Harvey Dent from The Dark Knight which I saw a couple yesterday (yeah yeah I know it’s kinda late, but what can you do). And I thought it was pretty well done, all thwo and a half hours of it lol. It was long, but I didn’t really notice until the last hour of it (but I still thought it was three hours long… or more). I wasn’t really sure how they were going to deal with two villains in the movie, (three if you count Scarecrow) but I was actually surprised how well it played out. I was afraid it would end up like Spiderman 3, where I felt way too much time was spent on Sandman when Venom was so much cooler. And Heath Ledger (RIP…) was amazing as the Joker. His voice changed quite a bit that if all I heard was his voice, I would never thought it was him. Anyway, I was satisfied with how the movie was done 🙂

So what’s the other thing the title’s linked to? It’s similar to the title of the latest book I read, Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. Hmm? What’s that? Wasn’t I reading the first novel in that series only last week? Well, that’s why I haven’t been writing too much. I’ve been reading.
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Twilight (no… not Shiva lol)

August 4, 2008 at 12:50 am | Posted in Recommendations and Reviews | 2 Comments
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or Princess either. But that will come eventually when I get a Wii…

So, after a number of recommendations (more than 3) and a few weeks of laziness, I finally got a copy of the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I have to admit, when I picked it up at the book store, I was getting a bit scared by its size. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t particularly like books (aside from those with pictures… i.e. manga) and only reads them when necessary (meaning school) or with a few recommendations. Also, when I do pick to read a book for “leisure” (like if I have to pick one for a book report or something), I keep to a limit of no more than 300 pages. I don’t just not like reading. I’m slow. I’d like to get it over with as quickly as possible, especially if it’s boring. But I have to say that length doesn’t completely bother me if the book holds my interest. The longer it is means that feeling of excitement lasts longer too, right?

Well, back to the book. Don’t worry, no spoilers here. Unless you didn’t know this series is about a vampire romance? Well, now you know. Hehe…
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